Maharana Pratap Jayanti is here on 13 june 2021 people in the north state of India are very excited to celebrate the occasion so in the other parts of India. Maharana Pratap Jayanti celebrated like a big festival in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. Pratap Singh was known as the Maharana Pratap Jayanti he was the king of Mewar he was known for his Brave opposition against the Mughals.
Due to covid-19 pandemic this year most of the people are going to choose indoor celebration, to cherish this festive vibs you guys can pick some specially dedicated massages, quotes, greetings, images, wishes on the historic day of Maharana Pratap Singh.
A lot of people celebrate this day as a big festival and share Maharana Pratap’s videos, images quotes etc with their loved ones so why waiting you also can pic some from here and can use any video making app to create your own video and share with yours family friends.
Here are some Maharana Pratap Jayanti 2021 Wishes Images, Quotes, Posters, Greetings, HD wallpaper, Status for WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram:
हर हिंदुस्तानी को प्यारा है,
कुंवर प्रताप जी के चरणों में,
शत-शत नमन हामारा है.
महाराणा प्रताप जयंती 2021 की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं

प्रताप के शौर्य की गाथा,
हर कोई सुनाएगा गाकर,
मातृभूमि भी धन्य हो गई,
प्रताप जैसा पुत्र पाकर.
महाराणा प्रताप जयंती की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं

चेतक पर चढ़ जिसने , भाला से दुश्मन संघारे थे…
मातृ भूमि के खातिर , जंगल में कई साल गुजारे थे…
महाराणा प्रताप जयंती की शुभकामना

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महाराणा प्रताप जयंती की शुभकामना

बलिदान पर राणा के, भारत माँ ने, लाल देश का खोया था…
वीर पुरुष के देहावसान पर, अकबर भी फफक कर रोया था…
महाराणा प्रताप जयंती की शुभकामना